Northland (1927) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

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Northland (1927) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

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Re: Northland (1927) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Post by Randi »

Hurlock wrote:Fri Jul 05, 2019 5:12 am May 29th 1927 Washington D.C. ... 7_0600.jpg
12:35, yacht Mayflower stood by with president Coolidge on board, rendered appropriate honors.

At this point Northland is newly commissioned as the replacement for Bear. She has been open for visitors at Washington for a few days now.
31st May 1927 ... 7_0602.jpg

10:15, held full dress general muster. 11:00, Rear Admiral Fr.C.Billard, Under Secretary Ogden Mills and Assistant Secretary of the Treasury L.C.Andrews paid official call and made an inspection of the vessel. 11:35, inspecting party left the vessel. Rendered all appropriate honors.

1st June 1927 ... 7_0542.jpg

2.35 Asst. Secretary of the Navy Robinson and party visited ship.
2.50 Commander Knothe, British Naval Attache visited ship.

5.00 Visitors ashore. Approximately 600 persons visited ship this date.

3rd June 1927 ... 7_0544.jpg

4:00, Mrs Fr. C. Billard and Mrs Q.B. Newman gave tea and musicale aboard vessel. Omitted quarters and drills on account of social activity.

Hurlock wrote:Sun Jul 07, 2019 6:40 am 2nd June 1927 Washington D.C ... 7_0543.jpg

4:15, Received a telephone message from the District jail at Washington, D.C. that Arnold B.Lundberg, Sea 2c and Gustav H. Anderson, Sea 1c, who are absent since 7:00 am this date, were confined in that jail awaiting to be tried for laceny.

3rd June 1927 ... 7_0544.jpg

Received information concerning Arnold B. Lundberg, Sea 2c, and Gustav H. Anderson, Sea 1c who are held in county jail on the charge of grand larceny for stealing a Motorcycle. Prosecuting Attorney stated that charge probably would be dropped but on account of the jail being quarantined for smallpox no action could be taken until next Tuesday.

Hurlock wrote:Sun Jul 14, 2019 7:03 am June 22nd 1927 Kingston, Jamaica ... 7_0563.jpg

Commanding Officer made official calls on the following British officials; Sir Reginald Stubbs, Governor of Jamaica; Colonel Commandant Arthur Mudge; Acting Colonial Secretary, the Honorable Charles W. Dovely, and the Honorable Chief Justice Sir Fiennes Barrett Lennard. Following British officials returned official calls. Lieutenant Peter Agnew R.N. Aide-de-Camp Kings House and Major G.B. Groom, Aide to the Colonel Commandant.

Hurlock wrote:Tue Jul 23, 2019 6:53 am 21st July 1927 Oakland, Cal. ... 7_0526.jpg
3:30 held general muster at which time the local chapter of the W.C.T.U gave out sewing kits to all hands.

Hurlock wrote:Thu Jul 25, 2019 6:15 am 30th July 1927 Oakland, Cal. ... 7_0535.jpg

8:00 crew held smoker on quarterdeck

31st July 1927 Oakland, Cal. ... 7_0536.jpg

Held church services aboard under auspices of the Gideons

Hurlock wrote:Mon Aug 05, 2019 7:46 am August 28th Haines towards Cape Spencer ... 08_032.jpg
First mention of ice. I guess this is shore ice they have rowed to collect though. Entered under sea ice to let you decide.

3.02 Stopped, lowered boat and took aboard several hundred pounds of ice. 3.42 Boat hoisted, ahead full speed

also mentioned as boat drill under oars

Hurlock wrote:Tue Aug 06, 2019 6:42 am August 31st 1927 Cordova ... 08_035.jpg

Received following telegram from the Commissioner of Health of Alaska Juneau, Alaska, Aug 31/1927, Mysterious epidemic reported Illiamna four deaths in three days headache paralysis vomiting stop am trying to get hydroplane to go from Anchorage if unsuccessful will you stop Illiamna and investigate.

Hurlock wrote:Mon Aug 19, 2019 6:24 am October 7th 1927 Bering Sea ... 08_085.jpg

4:00 a.m to 8:00 a.m
Vessel rolling heavily. 6:15, Vessel took several deep rolls to port, maximum roll 54.5', headed vessel immediately into sea reduced speed and hove to on course 12' pgc. Vessel rolled lee rail well under causing considerable water to enter cabin, wardroom passageway and staterooms.

October 8th ... 08_086.jpg

Noon to 4.00 P.M:
Lost one stern light overboard; carried away by a following sea.

This was the beginning of 6 days hove to in this storm near St. Lawrence Island.

Kevin wrote:Tue Aug 20, 2019 3:37 am That is a very ugly roll.

Hurlock wrote:Thu Aug 22, 2019 7:56 am October 19th 1927 Unalaska ... 08_097.jpg

10.15 Heard Continued whistle signals in distance. Sent motor surfboat to investigate. Found American steamship H.J. Lawrence of New York, Capt R.F. Albrecht master hove to off Princess Head. The Lawrence was bound for Shanghai China from Nanaimo B.C. loaded with case and barrel oil and is owned by the C.H. Lawrence S.S. Co of 80 Broad St. New York N.Y. Having run into continued gales damaging her superstructure and all boats and causing her food and fuel supply to run very low she had tried to reach Dutch Harbor or Unalaska but had no charts or knowledge of these ports. Navigating Officer went aboard and piloted her to anchorage in Unalaska Bay. Master furnished with necessary charts of Aleutian Islands. The Lawrence left Naniamo September 24 1927.

Michael wrote:Thu Aug 22, 2019 1:34 pm She was close to Unalaska, only 7.4 miles to go.

Hurlock wrote:Thu Aug 22, 2019 6:08 pm The ships main peril however is a legal libel case their owners are involved in. The vessel is going to be held in case it is needed as part of the court settlement. I found a newspaper article when I searched the ships name.

San Pedro Daily News 17th November 1927 page 10 ... N--------1

Hurlock wrote:Fri Aug 23, 2019 5:59 am 22nd October 1927 Unalaska ... 08_100.jpg

4.00 P.M. - Mid.
4.10 Received telephone communication that man was seen clinging to an overturned boat near Dutch Harbor. Sent officer in motor surfboat in investigate.
6.10 Surf boat returned having found H.E. Anderson Second mate S.S. H.J.Lawrence on an overturned boat. Mr Anderson taken in surfboat, his boat righted and towed to his ship. On return trip it was necessary to assist a small boat from the Lawrence which had gone to the assistance of Mr Anderson but was unable to make headway owing to strong tide and squally weather.
Lost one life preserver overboard and unable to find same owing to darkness.

Hurlock wrote:Sat Aug 24, 2019 5:48 am October 25th 1927 Unalaska ... 08_103.jpg

9.00 am - 4.00 P.M:
Received request from United States Commissioner Finch that a board...
... convene and survey the American S.S. H.J.Lawrence of New York at Dutch Harbor

Hurlock wrote:Mon Aug 26, 2019 6:18 am 1st November 1927 Unalaska ... 08_114.jpg
9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M
11:50 Received the following message from Nome Station quote 9901 Important Northland return Nome account motorship Sierra vessel short of water for running auxiliaries steering gear frozen up twentyone crew do not believe vessel can proceed without assistance has four hundred tons general merchandise food stuffs for Nome if same is not landed Nome community will suffer account of shortage lighterage company has done everything possible to land remaining cargo but retarded by low water and young ice between ship and beach stop Silver Wave froze in Teller Port Clarence Bay Stop Donaldson here standing by Sierra Stop Light north wind fine and clear advise 1055.
Commenced filling all water tanks and two cofferdams, waiting for northerly gale to subside so as to be able to proceed.

2nd November Underway ... 08_115.jpg

Merid to 4:00 P.M
Received message from Nome that SS Sierra had repaired her steering gear and that other conditions were unchanged

3rd November Underway ... 08_116.jpg

6:00 P.M to 8.00 P.M
6:39 Received a radio message stating that the m.s. "Sierra" had departed from Nome...
7:10 Received a radio message from the m.s. "Sierra" that she had encountered slush ice five miles south of Nome and that she would let us know when clear of the ice

8.00 - Mid:
10.15 received radio from m.s. Sierra that she was outside and free from all ice and was proceeding to Akutan

Hurlock wrote:Tue Aug 27, 2019 6:22 pm November 5th 1927 Dutch Harbor ... 08_118.jpg

9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Sent officer aboard S.S. LAWRENCE to investigate conditions and ascertain whether or not arrangements had been made by the cargo underwriters with the A.C.Co for the employment and subsistance of ship-keepers as outlined in Hdqtrs radiogram 9904-1320. Found that no such arrangements had yet been made, and that the last of the food aboard the Lawrence would be exhausted with the evening meal. Mustered all officers and crew of the Lawrence and interrogated each as to the conditions under which he would remain with the vessel. Found that only 5 men, one chief mate, one oiler, one able seaman, one ordinary seaman and one cook would remain. Prepared to take Lawrence's crew aboard the Northland as destitute seamen, unless relief afforded by owners or cargo interests before morning of November 6th. 10:30 Commanding Officer made inspection of vessel.At 1:00 pm., Charles Grimm, Agent of the A.C.Co. came aboard for consultation and conference relative to crew of the Lawrence, he having received notification from the A.C.Co. San Francisco, Calif. to endeavor to have 7 men of the crew remain as shipkeepers and to guarantee wages and subsistance for those who remained. Advised him of situation and Commanding Officer assisted him in an unofficial capacity to negotiate with crew of Lawrence and make suitable arrangements for retention of shipkeepers and securing vessel.
4:00 pm to mid
Made arrangements for securing the LAWRENCE alongside the docks at Unalaska and relention of 5 members of the crew, 5 being all that were willing to remain. The agreements were completed between the 5 members of the crew and the A.C.Co., acting for the Cargo underwriters. Received word from the U.S. Commissioner Durell Finch at Unalaska, Alaska, that the crew of the Lawrence had libelled the vessel for wages and that he had found due cause for issuance of prosess and had so certified to the Clerk of the District Court at Valdez, Alaska.

Hurlock wrote:Thu Aug 29, 2019 3:18 pm November 6th 1927 Dutch Harbor ... 08_119.jpg
Mid to 9:00 am
At 7:00 a.m. S.S. LAWRENCE left Dutch Harbor for Unalaska where she was made fast and secured for prolonged stay. Sent working party in motor launch to Unalaska to assist in securing Lawrence. Commanding and Executive officers inspected LAWRENCE as to security and found same satisfactory. Commanding officer advised master of Lawrence to secure vessel thruout, particularly boiler and engine rooms for a probable prolonged stay, which was done.

9.00 am - Noon: Unalaska
The following men were taken aboard as destitute seamen for transportation to Seattle Washington in accordance with Headquarters radio 9904 - 1320: being the officers and crew of the American S.S. H.J.Lawrence of New York: R.F. Albrecht; master; American; H.Anderson, 2nd Mate, American; H.G.Ritchie, Chief Engineer -American; E.W. Soderberg, 1st Ass't; American; A.Frinks 2nd Ass't, American; G.Fay, 3rd Ass't, American; Charles Wallsley, American, Henry F.Bradbury, American, Vincent Moreno, American; Den Karr, American; the following Arabians being subjects of British Somalyland; Mohamet Ali; Omar Ali; Mohamet Joseph; Farrar Kiriri; and Hassi Yassi; Edward Stilts, British; Frank Padovan, Austrian; Jose Hidalgo, Ecuadorian and the following filipinos: Pedro Gerenomo, Pedro Rippel, Esteban Fendez, John Guirino, Ando Chansi and Mike Degardo, Spanish. All men examined for infectious diseases; none found.

November 8th Underway ... 08_122.jpg

8.00 am - Noon
Transferred 19 blankets and 15 mattresses from clothing locker to ship's stores for use of destitute seamen. These articles to be kept aboard for future use. Authority granted in Headquarters radio -9908 -1115.

November 17th Seattle ... 08_131.jpg
Mid to 8:00 AM
Enlisted Pedro Geronomo as M.Att 2C for three years on special temporary enlistment auth. Hdqtrs. despatch 9914-16,30

Hurlock wrote:Fri Aug 30, 2019 7:11 am November 11th 1927 Underway in storm ... 08_125.jpg
Noon - 4.00 P.M:
Lost one cork life belt overboard due to the rack becoming unfastened.

8.00 PM- Mid:
Strong to whole NE xE gale. Very rough sea. Overcast to overcast and rain. On course 110' gyro, 115 R.P.M. 8.00 Sheering pins in main steering gear carried away. Connected hand steering gear and held rudder hard right. During the interval vessel rolled deeply. Maximum roll 52.5' to port. 8.50 having renewed sheering pins hove vessel to on an approximate course 70' gyro

November 12th ... 08_126.jpg
Mid to 4:00 AM
Whole NE gale, very rough sea from NE. Ship rolling deeply. Hove to on course of about 85' pgc at 70 R.P.M. thruout watch. Considerable trouble experienced with steering gear due to sheer pin replacement being out of line.

4:00 A.M. to 8:00 A.M.
Whole NE gale, very rough sea from NE. 4:02, Electric steering gear out of order. For remainder of watch kept sea and wind on port bow with hand steering gear at full left rudder and using various engine movements, from 40rpm to 100rpm.

8.00AM - Noon:
Hove to with full left rudder using engines from 40 to 70RPM. 9.40 Main steering gear repaired.

Hurlock wrote:Fri Sep 06, 2019 6:54 am 2nd December 1927 Oakland ... 08_151.jpg

4:00, P.M. to Mid.
Franklin J. Gogg R.M.3c left the vessel between the hours of 5:00, P.M. and 7:30, P.M. without authority. His request, at 3:00, P.M., for special liberty was refused on account of there being no other radioman on board. 7:35, P.M. Franklin J. Gogg, R.M.3c. returned to the dock under the influence of liquor and unfit for duty. He was brought on board and confined in the brig for safe keeping. 9:00, P.M. Franklin J. Gogg, R.M.3c. escaped from confinement while the brig door was opened for the purpose of furnishing him with blankets. He was pursued along the dock apprehended and again placed in the brig.

3rd December ... 08_152.jpg
Mid. to 9:00, P.M. [A.M.]
7:00, A.M. released Franklin J. Gogg, R.M.3c. from the brig, placed him in leg irons for safe keeping and confined him to the limits of the main deck.

9.00 AM - 4.00 P.M:
11.15 Commanding Officer held mast in the case of Franklin J. Gogg R.M.3/c and Henry F. Bradberry F1/c for drunkeness and absence without leave and absence overleave respectively. Gogg to be tried by a summary court. Bradberry warned.

Hurlock wrote:Wed Sep 11, 2019 6:15 am Northland, December 24th 1927, Oakland. ... 08_174.jpg
11:20 Held general muster below decks; representatives of the W.C.T.U. addressed the crew and presented Christmas boxes to all hands.

December 25th ... 08_175.jpg
2:15, P.M. Edward Borg C.M.M. returned on board from authorized liberty with two bottles of alcoholic liquor in his possession. He was dispossessed of the liquor and restricted to the vessel pending actions on his case.
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Re: Northland (1927) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Post by Randi »

Michael wrote:Mon Sep 16, 2019 11:11 pm The voyage for 1927 has been calculated. You can see it here! Two oceans and two seas!

Another great transcribing job by Hurlock!
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